TITLE: Architect Marketing Institute Offers New Step by Step Program that Transforms Design Firms Using Breakthrough Marketing
Visalia, California; June 25, 2018 – The Architect Marketing Institute (AMI) has taken its basic marketing training for architects to the next level. Through a free online class, “Unfair Marketing Secrets for Architects,” AMI co-founder Richard Petrie introduces the latest Design Firm Accelerator, known as SIX or “Sunshine Island Express.” Sunshine Island is a metaphor for winning great projects and high income. Interest is high, with an unprecedented number of architects signing up for each class. “How much time do you spend every day presenting offers to qualified prospects that win projects and make money?” asks Petrie, who is also an author, speaker and mental skills coach. “Not enough. We’ve helped hundreds of architects and seen exactly what they need to transform their practices. That’s what’s in this training.”
AMI co-founder and CEO Enoch Sears, who is an architect, says, “We dig into the #1 reason most architects don’t get the fees, projects and income they deserve for the value they bring to projects. Then we give the alternative, step by easy step. Those who want the support of being guided through the process can enroll in our complete SIX training program.”
The Architect Marketing Institute provides tools and resources to help design firms increase their success through effective marketing and sales processes. AMI gives firms around the world access to the strategies they need to succeed in a competitive market. To register for the free online class, go to https://archmarketing.org/six