Downers Grove, Illinois; Dec. 21, 2016 – Studio21 Architects of Downers Grove recently hosted their 4th Annual Gingerbread House Party. At this free community event, kids of all ages act as the architect to design, build and decorate their own gingerbread houses. More than 80 kids attended, ranging from 2 to 14 years of age. The firm matched families’ voluntary donations, together raising $500 for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. Six-year-old twins Sam and Charlie even decided to donate their birthday money for the cause.
Studio21 Founder and President Bill Styczynski says, “The kids are very creative and each gingerbread house is totally unique. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of these kids is inspired to become an architect.” 75 houses were built this year, each a diverse work of art.

Bill Styczynski of Studio21 Architects
After the event, photos of all the houses are posted to the architectural firm’s Facebook page and the voting begins. The child whose house received the most likes is awarded a Toys R Us gift card. This year, the winner was Jacob Day, a 9-year-old, with 118 likes for his Chicago Cubs-themed house. The office staff also votes for a favorite and selected the house that was built by Caleb Merrick, an 8-year-old from Glen Ellyn. His three-story house was well thought out and detailed, right down to the chocolate doors, M&Ms roofing and gummy wreath.
After another successful event, the staff looks forward to hosting again in December 2017. To be notified of the event, “like” Studio21 Architects on Facebook, or email them at to be added to their mailing list.