Michael Roosevelt, principal of Slate Architects, Inc., wowed Richboro Networkers with his groundbreaking 5 Senses Design™ approach – and with the power of business specialization. “Specialties are the special sauce that influence different outcome solutions,” Roosevelt said and are significant when looking for an architect or any other product or service provider. “Mine is engaging all of the senses, and connecting indoors and out through custom residential home design.”
Sustainable design asks, ‘What is the impact of mankind on the environment?’ Roosevelt explained that “biophilic” design approaches this question from the other side: ‘What is the impact of the environment upon mankind?’
Slate Architects takes a holistic approach that helps homeowners connect with nature. Paired with its 5 Senses Design™ process, the results engage not only sight but also taste, touch, smell and hearing.
In January, Roosevelt spoke at Ambiance Design, an interior design firm in Blue Bell, Pa. Because the firm specializes in window treatments, he titled his presentation “Designing with Light.” He spoke to many designers and some architects about how natural light affects our circadian rhythms and lifestyle.
Michael Roosevelt, AIA, NCARB, LEED BD+C may be available to speak to your group. More at (267) 756-7004 or mjr@slatearchitects.com.